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Miniature, a work that change perception and ways of communication in things by reducing size or duration to consideration.


miniature (n.)

- a very small detailed painting, often of a person

- a very small copy or model of something; a very small version of something


miniature (adj.)

- very small; much smaller than usual

In musical world we also called a piece in short duration as a miniature.

Essence of the Miniature

In miniature, size is not the only thing that matters.


In miniature, size is not the only thing that matters because size is only a part of 'space'. The essence of miniature consists of three main concepts which are time space and density. Each types of miniature apply varied of these three concepts to perceive for instance in music reduced time and density but in the object it reduced space.

Contextual meaning of miniature

The meaning of 'miniature' can be differ by the context that it categorized.

To find what is the real essence of the miniature works, first we have to know about the metamorphosis of miniature through contexts. Miniature and Context, when these words combined it's something different from a 'smaller sized thing' which makes it's variety such as 'miniature music' and 'miniature painting' (Middle-East's works) .

Miniature: Services
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